Category Archives: Services

Changes to the way the Nevcon Accounting client portal works

At the beginning of this year, Nevcon Accounting changed the way we do our work processes to make it more efficient and informative to you, with the use of email messages and questionnaires depending on the type of service you receive or are seeking from us. Most of you have gone through these changes by completing your T1 personal tax returns and you probably noticed the process was very different from last year. It has also been implemented in all business areas of Nevcon.

One particular area of change was the transition of our back end portal from Sharefile to TaxDome. With TaxDome’s automation, it allowed us to efficiently move from using five different services to run the business to two. The ability to have automations happening within the questionnaires, with more or fewer questions being asked depending on the answer is a big improvement, along with uploading all the relevant documents at the same time as questions were answered.

Click here to go to the Taxdome web site.

Being able to use an app on your phone or tablet was functionality and convenience we have wanted to add for our clients for a few years. But the most important feature was being able to let you know where in the process your tax return was. Before you would only get an email message when the return was done, but now you get them along the way to keep you informed all through the process. More changes are still coming, like the back end for invoices, which will also make it easier for you, our clients. We’re also carefully considering more AI to craft our communication to assist in responding quickly to your questions.

During these changes, all your historical documents have been moved over to the new system. Please let us know if your area of the portal does not seem to have everything you expect.

Learned a lot at Accountex Canada!

Accountex Canada
In early November, I was very pleased to attend the Accountex Canada conference and trade show in Toronto. What an amazing event, from which I’ve returned rejuvenated with all kinds of great new ideas for providing and enhancing the services Nevcon offers.

The Accountex conference presented over 60 leading financial/tech companies and a continuing professional development (CPD) accredited education program. As they described it – and I wholeheartedly agree! – the conference was tailored to provide attendees with the latest updates in the accounting and finance services, allowing for knowledge sharing and networking opportunities with industry experts. The event covered essential topics such as financial planning, taxation, and auditing.

Once again, I so enjoyed reconnecting with colleagues, networking with new accounting professionals, and gaining valuable insights into the trends, technologies and more that can benefit accountants and their clients. Ask me how what I’ve learned can help you and your business thrive!

Heading to The ONE!

I’m excited to announce that I’ll be attending CPA (Chartered Professional Accountants) Canada’s The ONE Conference in person in Halifax!

CPA Canada The ONE Conference logo

As CPA Canada describes it, “The ONE National Conference was created to connect and inspire accountants as members of one unified profession. Now in its tenth year, The ONE continues to grow and evolve – offering a dynamic program of cutting-edge content to help CPAs build new skills and keep up with the pace of change.”

I’m looking forward to reconnecting with colleagues, networking with new accounting professionals, learning about trends, technologies and more that can benefit accountants and their clients … and returning refreshed and inspired to handle all your accounting needs!

Security alert

Nevcon Accounting experienced a brief security breach yesterday afternoon (June 9, 2023), affecting our email services only, for about 10-15 minutes. We are grateful to Microsoft support for their swift assistance. No other services or data stored by or associated with Nevcon operations were affected, and everything remains secure.

If you received any email messages from us on June 9th, please delete them and contact us if you were expecting any correspondence from us. If you have any questions or concerns, be in touch and we’ll assist you promptly.

Take a look at our services and service packages

A bespectacled Jack Russell terrier sits at a computer keyboard, looking darned adorable

Nevcon Accounting is pleased to present its newly revamped selection of services and service packages, designed to work with how you work. Some business owners prefer full service accounting, while others need specific assistance with bookkeeping, financial statements and/or tax returns (business and personal). Nevcon is equipped to provide any and all, as you need them.

As you review our offerings, you’ll see that we invite you to fill in a brief online questionnaire. Not only are these kind of fun to fill out (OK, we’re nerds!), but our questionnaires help us to learn a bit about your requirements and expectations before we meet online. This makes best use of time for busy people and helps us serve you best.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon!

New product offering – Audit Shield offers peace of mind

Suffice to say, the past year has brought many changes and challenges. One result is that the CRA has stepped up their enforcement efforts with more audits. If you and your business are subject to an audit, this can involve significant cost to you because of the added fees to for Nevcon to respond to such requests.

Audit ShieldWith this in mind, I choose to offer Audit Shield as additional add-on protection for these costs. It might seem like a significant cost when you first look at the pricing, but once you factor in the amount it would cost you for an audit, I hope you’ll see that it’s good and proactive. Audit shield covers up to $10,000 (Cdn) in fees to help you respond to an audit request by CRA.

If you are a current Nevcon Accounting client, you will have received or will soon receive an email message with more details on how you can take advantage of this new offering. The message will spell out more of what they do and do not cover. For small businesses and sole proprietors, it’s a smart business decision.

If you are considering becoming a Nevcon Accounting client and would like to learn more about Audit Shield as part of what we can provide, contact us for more information.

Announcing our new Cumulus Accounting service packages


In today’s changing world of technology improvements, the accounting field has not stayed static. The practises of the industry have been changing for the better to make it easier for companies and entrepreneurs to get faster and more up-to-date information from anywhere.

It used to be that everyone had desktop accounting software and everything had to be entered individually. The accounting industry is now moving to an online world where your banking information is connected directly into your accounting system, and expenses are scanned and automatically pushed into the system. Now you can even have clients pay you electronically on the spot and have the transactions all done for you.

Nevcon Accounting has come up with a better way to ensure your accounting is up-to-date, accessible on any device, and allows you to bill from where you are. With the right add-ons, you can also accept payments while at your clients using Visa, MasterCard or Interac, or email an invoice which can be paid by Visa or MasterCard when you’re back at your office.

Cost is always a factor in any service being offered. For businesses large or small, we have designed various packages to meet your needs that are reasonable on a flat rate basis. Know your monthly cost up front and don’t worry about unexpected charges.

With all this in mind, we’re launching a new service call Cumulus Accounting. It’s a cloud based service that allows you to do what you do best – your business – and to take advantage of new technologies that make your life easier. You get the experience and oversight of a professional accountant, and a predictable monthly fee which will mean no surprises on your bill. It’s the same every month. This service allows you to access your business from anywhere in the world where you have internet access, take care of invoicing or receive payments, and submit expenses on the spot so you can keep better track of your business.

Take a look here at the selection of service packages we have to offer. Choose a plan that suits your current needs, and contact us for more information.

For taking charge of receipts when you’re on the go …


Have we mentioned how much we love Receiptbank? We recommend it to all our clients, and we’re enthusiatic users of the app ourselves. As Receiptbank points out, its mobile app is ideal for:

  • Taxi receipts
  • Train tickets
  • Restaurant/cafe receipts
  • Anything you get out-and-about!

Take a look at this quick and easy video to get up and running!

Psst … Did you know you can use Receiptbank for invoices you receive by email, too?

Hubdoc – an indispensable tool for any business

Continuing with the different types of technologies I use, I’d like to discuss Hubdoc. I first saw a demonstration of Hubdoc about two years ago, and thought it was an interesting product that could benefit me and my clients. As always, I’m the tester for new software and other solutions, as I believe I should understand it and see what happens in real world use. It’s always amazing how many products I thought were a great idea on paper … and when I started to use them I found out fast that they would not be suitable for myself or my clients’ needs.

hubdoc-logoHubdoc is an application that can grab you bank statements, utility bills or anything else for which you have recurring invoices. Hubdoc is constantly adding new links to different sites so the software can automatically get bills and statements that are stored on a secure site for you to view. You can also have the system push the information for bills to QuickBooks online, so you don’t have to enter it and it will give you a copy of the bill in the transaction so you can view it whenever you want. You are also able to upload PDFs to the site.

At first, I wasn’t so sure that this would be useful, but as I started to add my bank feeds and other bills I became increasingly amazed at what it could do. Just setting up my bank feed, I ended up with close to three years worth of statements for me to view (this depends on if you have electronic statements already set up). It also brought in the information on any payment I’d made via email transfer, so I could easily see who I was paying on them instead of the statement just saying “email transfer” and not identifying the recipient. I was quickly becoming very impressed! As I have added different billers to the account and uploaded others, I figured out what this system is really great at: EASY ACCESS to all your statements and bills

Hubdoc is all about having to source documents, to be able to verify something or to have handy when you have a CRA audit and need to produce documents for them. This is where Hubdoc becomes invaluable. As well as always putting a PDF of the invoice in your online accounting software, it also allows you to access every invoice at any time from your computer. No more going into a filing cabinet or storage box to find that invoice … hoping it’s in the right folder. As an accountant, I also can access clients’ documents so if they have a problem with a bank reconciliation I can see the statement at the same time as my client, so I can see and understand problems and know quickly how to correct them.

So if you ask me, I tell any client that Hubdoc is an indispensable tool for any business.