Category Archives: News

Tax changes coming into effect in 2019

We’ve barely taken down the holiday decorations … and it’s time to start thinking about tax changes that kick in as the new year gets under way. But if you stay on top of them now (and hey, you know who to call if you need assistance!), there will be more reasons to celebrate as the new year unfolds.

This overview from CBC News is very helpful:

(Image courtesy of Ottawa Business Journal)

Your tax bill could change in 2019. Here’s what to expect.

From low-income subsidies to passive cash taxation to the carbon tax, the rules are set to shift

A whole host of federal tax changes come into effect in the new year. Some will hit your paycheque, others your bills — and if you’re a small business owner, there are a couple of changes coming for which you’ve likely been preparing for months.

Read the entire article here.

How technology is changing the relationship between bookkeeper and accountant

Needless to say, I’m very excited to be joining Rachel Fisch (@FischBooks) and Galit Sugar May 8th in Toronto for a Sage Session discussion on how technology is changing the relationship between bookkeeper and accountant.


As you can imagine, I’ll have plenty to say! I marvel every day at how the right combination of technology, carefully considered and deployed, makes my job easier and more efficient. In turn, that means I can offer faster and more accurate services to my clients, big and small.

Take a look here at the full selection of Toronto sessions.

Sage Sessions comprise a single-day event designed for Sage customers driving the economy. Sessions are held across North American. Here is the full schedule.

Hope to see you there!

Links to key 2017 Ontario Budget coverage

Nevcon Accounting is pleased to provide the following links to articles, analyses and more, to help you learn more about the 2017 Ontario Budget, delivered April 27, 2017.

Links to key 2017 Federal Budget coverage

Nevcon Accounting is pleased to provide the following links to articles, analyses and more, to help you learn more about the 2017 Federal Budget, delivered March 22, 2017.

When Nevcon Accounting has something new and interesting to tell you …

… we’ll post it here, to our new blog. We’ll give you updates on new small business and tax-related news, changes and trends, and we’ll also provide perspectives and recommendations on products, services, practices and more. This blog will take the place of the “What’s New” page from our previous web site, and it will be a complement to our Twitter feed ( Let us know if there are subjects that you would like us to cover here.